An Ounce of Prevention is Worth of Pound of Cure
Empowering You to Take RESPONSIBILITY for your health, life and well being and Providing you SOLUTIONS to Help YOU do this through sharing and caring

Rimbey Path To Wellness Expo
5th Year Celebration!!!
Sunday April 30, 2023
Rimbey Peter Lougheed Community Centre
5109 54 Street, Rimbey Alberta T0C 2J0
11 am - 4 pm
*Swag Bags for first 25 people through the door
*FREE Admission: if you enjoyed the expo there will be a donation jar you can contribute to if you wish at the Exit
*FREE Parking
*3 Group Experiences for people to attend through the day
*ATM Machine on Site
*Door Prizes to Enter
*NEW a book exchange, bring health, new age books you no longer use and leave them on the table for others to take if you see something that sparks your interest feel free to take it home
*much to do, see and learn
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